Saturday, April 5, 2008

Basement Is Painted

This week the basement was painted, the molding on the kitchen cabinets was completed, the siding was removed from the house, they started putting on the new siding, and they finished the fireplace surround.

The counter top people came this week to and measured for the counter. They will deliver and install the counter next week. The flooring for the kitchen and new room was also ordered and will be delivered next week.

The new lime green basement.

The newly painted stairway to the basement. A new step was installed at the bottom of the stairs and the half wall on the side of the stairs was cut back to make a landing at the bottom of the basement stairs.

The siding was removed on most of the house

They started to put the new siding on the back of the house. This work will continue next week.

More pictures of the new siding

The molding was installed above the new cabinets and the walls in the kitchen and new room were primed for painting

They also painted the sliding doors between the kitchen and the living room.

The fireplace surround was also completed this past week.

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