Saturday, March 29, 2008

Kitchen Cabinets are In

Last week they installed the kitchen cabinets painted the master bedroom and started to build the fireplace surround. The old siding is coming off the house right now, so next week you may get to see pictures of the new siding. Now that the cabinets are installed, the counter top guy is coming on Monday to measure for the new counter top.

Our master bedroom is now green.
They started work on the new fireplace surround.
The kitchen cabiners on the interior wall (between the kitchen and the living room)
Same cabinets taken from the front of the house looking towards the back
The main wall of cabinets - looking towards the front of the house - the desk area is at the left side of the picture
Main wall of cabinets - looking towards the back of the house
The desk area

Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Kitchen Walls are Up

The sheetrock was put up in the kitchen last week and the spackling started. They also completed the other half wall/book case between the fireplace room and the new room. The new siding arrived and so did the new kitchen cabinets.

The new siding is now in the backyard. They may start to put this on the house next week.

Our garage is full of the new kitchen cabinets. They expect to install them next week after they finish spackling the sheet rock in the kitchen

The kitchen now has walls

A new sliding pocket door was installed between the kitchen and the living room

They also installed pocket doors leading into the living room in the front part of the new kitchen

Now both half walls/book cases are installed and the columns are complete

Here is what the bookcases look like from the other side

Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Temporary Wall is Down

This past week saw the removal of the temporary wall. Now we can really start to see how the new room will fit in with the existing house. They also continued work on the kitchen - finishing the wiring, lighting and miscellaneous framing. The insulation is back in the exterior walls of the kitchen and the sheet rock will be added next week.

Our cabinets are also meant to arrive next week so once the sheet rock is complete the hanging of the cabinets will commence. Here are some updated pictures:

Standing by the fireplace looking towards the front of the house:

Standing by the new bay window in front of the house looking through the kitchen to the new room:

In the following picture you can see the half wall on the right side that will separate the fireplace room from the new room. A similar half wall will be built on the left side

Standing in the new room looking back towards the dining area. Here you can see the other side of the half wall:

A closer picture of the half wall and the column with some ideas on molding around the column for us to think about over the weekend:

A closer picture of the book case on the half wall:

Saturday, March 8, 2008

More Progress on the Kitchen

There was lots more progress on the kitchen this past week in preparation for the cabinets which are meant to be delivered to the warehouse next week (March 10th to be exact). In addition Leslie and I (and three relatively patient little kids) spent consider hours shopping for new appliances. We have nearly decided. Who knew there were so many different options.

The new heating and cooling unit was installed in the attic and new vents were installed in the ceiling of each of the upstairs rooms. The upstairs of the house is now being heated by the new unit. The old floor vents have been disconnected from the downstairs unit.

The remaining windows were installed in our master bedroom and the trim around all the bedroom windows was also installed.

Additional framing, wiring, and lighting was installed in the kitchen. They also reduced the size of the heating and cooling ducts (seen in the top left of the picture below) since it no longer needs to feed the upstairs.

The wall between the kitchen and the old family room was removed and replaced with the framing you see below. This is where the bar area will eventually be.

And finally, the new bay window/window seat was installed in the front of the house.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

No More Kitchen

A lot was done this past week. The kitchen is now completely gone. Installation of the new heating and cooling unit in the attic is planned for this weekend.

This is what our living room currently looks like - the sheet is covering the entry into the old dining room.

The kitchen removal in progress - they removed most of the stuff through the front window.

A picture from the old dining room - looking in the kitchen during the work.

Some colors Leslie is trying out in the new room - I dont think any of these were liked so an attempt at a blue color is next

New windows installed over the fireplace to bring some light into what will become the eating area.

This is what our temporary kitchen looks like

Picture taken from the fireplace looking into the old kitchen - not much is left - just a big (or not so big) open space

The new wall built between the old dining room and the living room - there will eventually be a sliding door in the opening.

The front corner of the old dining room - window looking towards the street

Standing in the front corner of the house looking back into the kitchen

Looking back towards where the sink and stove used to be. The sink is actually shifting towards the front of the house a few feet compared to where the sink used to be. They installed a new window that will eventually be over the sink - bigger than the old window we had and moved a few feet towards the front of the house.