Monday, February 25, 2008

Doors Installed

Its been two weeks since the last post so I wanted to give everyone an update. The sheet rocking is complete and some of the finishing work is now being completed in the new room and basement. Two doors were installed in the basement (one leading to the bilco doors and one leading to the old part of the basement which we plan to use for storage). The hardware on the french doors leading into the new room has also been installed.

The trim is partially completed in the basement and all the electric and lighting is now installed in both the new room and the basement. Since none of these updates make for particularly exciting pictures - there are no pictures with this post.

Later this week the demolition of the kitchen is expected to start and next weekend they will begin to install the new heating and air conditioning unit in the attic. This new unit will serve the upstairs of the house and the existing unit will serve the downstairs (including the new room and basement).

Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Sheet Rock Is Installed

They sheet rocked the new room and the basement this past week. They also put on the first coat of tape and spackle. They still need to apply another coat of spackle and do the final sanding early next week.

The basement - looking towards the back of the house. The stairs on the left lead to the Bilco doors.

The basement again - stairs leading towards the Bilco doors.

The basement - looking back at the old basement - stairs in the background leading up to the kitchen.

In the basement - picture taken from the bottom of the kitchen stairs. Looking through the new hallway in the old basement - towards the new basement.

The beam in the new room - will be covered with wood eventually

The new room - looking back towards the house. The temporary wall and yellow insulation is still up.

The new room, - looking towards the back of the house

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Giants are Superbowl Champions! ! !

The Giants won the superbowl and lots of things happened last week.

The windows arrived and were installed in the addition:

Insulation was added to the addition and the new basement. A cabinet to conceal the sump pump was built in the corner:

They removed the sheet rock in our bedroom so they could install the new windows. As a result you were able to see into the new room from our bedroom (only temporarily):

Another picture of the new room (from our bedroom):

A picture from in the new room looking back at the house (you can see right into the bedroom at the top of the picture):

The new windows being installed in the bedroom:

Sheet rock is now back on the walls in the bedroom. They still need to cut out two bigger windows on either side of the three new windows they added: