Sunday, November 25, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Hopefully everyone had a happy Thanksgiving. Between the weather and the holiday last week not much progress was made, but they did pour the cement. They also laid all the pipes to the sump-pump (that black thing in the top right corner of the first picture). Finally, they filled it all in with rocks.

The next picture has little boys peeking out the window (which they opened to tell me I should not be climbing on the piles of dirt in the backyard).

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Digging Complete

The digging is now complete and we have approval from the township to pour the foundation. The wood molds are all in place and we are scheduled for the cement truck to arrive on Monday November 19th. Here are some pictures from the digging.

The side of the house - they put down some stones to make it easier to get the digger and dump trucks in the back yard.
The view from inside the house while the hole was being dug

Pictures of the big hole

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Digging Has Begun

While we were away in Florida the patio was removed and the digging started. We returned home to a big digger in the backyard and a pretty big hole. The digging will continue this week.